Water, Water Everywhere!

30 01 2012

Drink plenty of water!

Water is a natural appetite suppressant and lack of water can lead to over-eating. This is because your brain doesn’t differentiate between hunger and thirst, so when you think you are feeling hungry; chances are your body really needs water, so drink a large glass of water before you eat.  In most cases, you will probably find this will satisfy what you thought were hunger pangs.  Ask yourself “Is my tummy grumbling?”  If it’s not – you’re probably NOT hungry – more than likely you are thirsty!

Water Facts

Your body is 70% water! It’s the second most important substance for life and a solvent for most of the nutrients in the body. It balances body temperature. It flushes out impurities in the skin leaving your skin looking younger for longer.

Depression and chronic fatigue can be linked to dehydration.  Even a 5% drop in body fluids can cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people.

Water is the basis of all biological processes in the body – mainly for the digestive system.  Digestion of solid foods requires large amounts of water.  Water aids the kidneys in eliminating the waste from our bodies – not enough water and you poison your body as the toxins stay inside.

Water lubricates the body’s joints – cartilage needs to be well hydrated.  Water stored in your spinal disc core supports about 75% of the upper body’s weight!  It aids in muscle action as well as muscle tone. Muscles ‘work’ better.

Finally… 85% of the brain tissue is water!

How much do we need?

Nearly every diet programme, book or weight loss class recommends 2 litres (roughly 8 glasses a day).  However, a more accurate indicator is

 1 litre for every 4 stones or 56lbs or 25kgs you weigh!

We absorb around about 1 litre from our food per day – the rest we need to drink.

Water Is Your ‘Secret Weapon’ To Aid Fat Loss

Liver metabolises fat by breaking it down into its manageable compounds.  If kidneys do not get enough water, the liver has to pick up the slack and therefore does not metabolise fat efficiently which results in you storing fat!!

If you don’t drink enough your body thinks it’s in a dessert and goes into survival mode.  The more water you drink, the more your body gives up the stores of water it has been collecting in your ankles, knees and even around your belly.  If you feel bloated you may not be drinking enough water.

If your body knows it’s going to get a regular amount of water then it will start working properly!



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